Data Download

Access Data
Lifetime data for each system is maintained on the SolarVu® servers. It is available to owners for download. Use the GUI to pick a time period and manually transfer energy values for performance analysis in a spreadsheet. It is possible to connect a data feed to other systems with server to server XML data exchange. Contact Cachelan for connection details if this capability is required.

Manual - GUI web interface
Download GUI
Automatic - XML server to server
Server to Server
Contact Cachelan to get the API and for technical support to implement server to server data transfer.
Server to Server

Download Log Files
Data logs for each inverter are available separately. Select a time period and inverter to download a CSV format file from SolarVu® with no programming skills required. Time-stamped values can be imported into a spreadsheet for comparison, graphing and further analysis. Owners that want to archive their solar PV data on their own computers can periodically download files for future use

Download data file for any time period